Worship and Music
Worship and Music go hand-in-hand at St. Cross. Sunday services are at 9 AM (during the summer), and we welcome you to make this your church home.

St. Cross Chancel Choir
The music that is heard at St. Cross Church is drawn from the vast repertoire of traditional choral and organ music with an emphasis on the Episcopal/Anglican tradition. The adult choir is comprised of both volunteers from the parish and professional musicians who serve as leaders for each voice section. The choir sings for the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist each S…
Listen to the latest sermons!
We worship and celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8am (in-person) and 10am (in-person and streaming) on Sundays. We are an Episcopal Church, which means you are welcome here to fully participate and to be a part of our family.
Whether you are looking for a new church home, worshipping while on vacation, new to town, an occasional attender or a regular at St. Cross, we are excited to gr…
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