St. Clare's Guild

St. Clare's Guild is a community of parents. It provides opportunities for St. Cross families to offer mutual support, share friendship, participate in child-friendly family events at St Cross, and connect through God's love. This group normally meets on the first Sunday of the month between services.
In January, St. Clare’s hosts the After Holiday Party for Parents. Each Holy Week, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt is held in Live Oak Park in Manhattan Beach the Saturday before Easter with a special appearance by the Easter Bunny followed by a family picnic.
Parent Enrichment Talks are held on a monthly basis when schedules allow. This series is designed for parents of school-aged children who want to get together with like-minded folks to discuss navigating the ups and downs of parenting.
The always popular Annual Halloween Party in conjunction with the Haunted House presented by St. Cross youth is held the Sunday before Halloween. Activities include pumpkin painting, cookie decorating, face and nail painting, and donut goblin. The night was finished off with a parade and costume contest.
We close out the year with the Christmas Pageant Reception providing lots of yummy treats and coordinating a special guest appearance by Santa Claus.
Throughout the year, St. Clare’s coordinates family friendly events. St. Clare’s is also responsible for baptismal cake receptions in Parker Hall and maintaining the prayer bags for the children during services to help facilitate a positive experience for both the children and the parents.