Serving the Church
In addition to our worship ministries, there are many other ways to serve the church.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild Ministry serves our clergy and all who attend services at St. Cross. Our purpose is to maintain and prepare the traditional sacred items used in worship at Eucharist, baptisms, funerals, and weddings so that all may enjoy our services. We beautify our church in a traditional manner according to the colors and seasons of the liturgical calendar.
The Altar Guild st…
Read More »Buildings and Grounds

The Building and Grounds Committee provides services to the St Cross Vestry, staff and parishioners by managing many of the necessary activities required to maintain and repair the church buildings and parish grounds. The committee also advises on renovation, budgets, yearly maintenance expenses and provides expert help to oversee projects and/or renovations. The committee member…
Read More »Coffee Guys

Looking for a fun and vital ministry to join? The Coffee Guys ministry at St. Cross is as vital as they come: our priests can give a fine sermon, but they can't do it without coffee!
Sunday morning coffee is prepared by the St. Cross men on a rotating basis; this is a great ministry for those new to St. Cross, or those who have been here their whole lives.
- Each Sunday (and o…
Emergency Preparedness
The St. Cross Emergency Preparedness Team gives regular updates on efforts around the church as well as ways you can be better prepared in case of emergency in everyday life.
Flower Ladies
Early each week the altar flowers are made into smaller bouquets and are taken to those in the hospital, shut-ins, or those ill at home.
These special people make sure that flowers and beautiful shrubbery grace our St. Cross grounds no matter the season.
Making sure that newcomers are welcomed and made to feel at home at St. Cross.
This committee works to preserve the history of St. Cross with photographs, written history, and artifacts.
Sewing Guild
Meets every Tuesday at 9:30 to sew new vestments, banners, linens used in the service, and linens.