
St. Cross Chancel Choir
The music that is heard at St. Cross Church is drawn from the vast repertoire of traditional choral and organ music with an emphasis on the Episcopal/Anglican tradition. The adult choir is comprised of both volunteers from the parish and professional musicians who serve as leaders for each voice section. The choir sings for the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist each Sunday, beginning in early September and continuing through June (exclusive of the summer months when the choir is on break). Additionally, the choir provides musical support for special Eucharists such as Christmas Eve, Holy Week services and both Easter Sunday services. A service of Choral Evensong is presented by the choir several times during the year, including an Evensong and healing service in early fall. The choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30pm, and on Sundays at 8:30am. Those who are interested in joining the choir are encouraged to make themselves known to the clergy or music director, Sean O’Neal at
St. Cross Handbell Choir
Music is an integral part of the life of any church and its liturgy. The Bell Choir continues to be an important part of that ministry at St Cross. Our Bell Choir rings with a minimum of 11 persons when we present a musical offering. We generally make an appearance once a month during the 10am service, and we have regular Thursday night rehearsals from 6:15 to 7:15 upstairs in the Bob King Music Room. We work hard in rehearsals and have become a committed ‘community within a community’ as we prepare each week to serve. We’re always looking for new ringers to work into the group when someone must be absent due to illness or vacation. Any interested persons, both young AND not-so-young, please contact Sean O’Neal or any member of the group for further details. We’d love to have you join us.
St. Cross Youth Choir
We have a Youth Choir for children and teens in 3rd through 8th grades, directed by Candace Ford. They meet on Sundays 11:15am-Noon and sing in church about once a month. It’s a great way for youth to improve their music skills, and it’s lots of fun. Singers are welcome to join at any time. (If appropriate: Sign-up forms are in the church office.) Please see Candace Ford for more information.