Coffee Guys

Looking for a fun and vital ministry to join? The Coffee Guys ministry at St. Cross is as vital as they come: our priests can give a fine sermon, but they can’t do it without coffee!
Sunday morning coffee is prepared by the St. Cross men on a rotating basis; this is a great ministry for those new to St. Cross, or those who have been here their whole lives.
- Each Sunday (and occasionally for special events) 2 CG’s partner up to handle beverage and snack service before and after each service.
- Ideally, each guy would take a shift every 6-7 weeks or so. Trudy schedules the shifts for the entire year. Easy to plan ahead and no surprises.
- In an ideal world at least one guy would show up by 7:30 to prep things for the 8 o’clockers. The second guy would show up at 8:00.
- A shift includes all set-up and clean up for coffee and snacks. We’re responsible for the kitchen. Others take care of Parker Hall cleanup, though coffee guys often jump in to assist.
- The shift runs until 11:30-12:00 +/-. Each team is free to modify this as they see fit.
- Expert training is available. Each man has his own style and methods so we train on the basics. How to use coffee makers, dishwasher, stoves, where all the needed stuff is located and so on.
- All volunteers are welcome.
- It’s a fun ministry. During lulls we talk about everything from sports to politics, the weather, the news, family, etc. Great way to get to know more folks.
Interested? Send a message to Trudy in the office,
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