Summer Services
Summer Service Update: If you were in church on Sunday you may have heard that there has been discussion at the Vestry level, and also with the clergy about moving to one service in the summer months. This is a common practice in many other churches, though not one that St. Cross has done in at least my 18 years here. HOWEVER, now is the time to try new things. So we are going to do just that.
Starting Sunday JULY 3 we will go to ONE service at 9 am. We will have ONE service through Labor Day weekend. We will return to two services at 8am and 10 starting on St. Cross sunday, Sept 11.
We will be using the summer altar as the choir will be on summer hiatus and the clergy don't like being so far away from you. We will have music at this service. We will go back to not collecting the offering but putting it in the plate on your way to/from communion (more on that later). We will serve communion at the steps. We will continue to have both bread and wine at communion. We will have coffee and donuts after the service.
What About Beach Mass? Beach Mass, and Beach Mass only, at 10am on July 17 and August 21. There will also be a 9am service in the church those days.
We look forward to seeing all of you at 9am on Sundays starting July 3.